Check in
Cast Vision
Review JITV “House” (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:36-47)
Ask “how are you?” (options: highs/lows, joys/frustrations, etc.)
Loving Accountability
Give an account of obedience to the goals which were set the previous week.
Share testimonies, give thanks, read a Psalm, sing, etc.
Read the Scriptures
1. Read the Command
2. Read the Story
3. Re-tell the Story
Retell the story in your own words, keeping it as simple as possible, focusing on highlighting the main points of the lesson.
4. Discuss
• What does this passage show us about God? (who He is and what He does)
• What does this passage show us about people? (who we are and what we do)
Set Goals
Ask Jesus how He wants you to put what you’ve learned into practice this week.
Ask Jesus how He wants you to engage with Him this week.
(spiritual disciplines: prayer, Bible reading, etc.)
Ask Jesus who you could train in what you are learning this week.
Ask Jesus who you could share the gospel with this week.
Ask Jesus to give you the power to walk this out!
Go Deeper
Learn the Tool
- Three Circles (Video by Ray Vaughn)
- Two Kingdoms (Video by No Place Left)
- The Gospel of the Kingdom (Video by The Bible Project)
- Gospel (Video by The Bible Project)
- How Jesus Christ Atones for Our Sin (Video by Seedbed)
- Basic Christianity (Book by John R. W. Stott)
- Gospel Statement (Statement of Faith by Believers Church)
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